DVD Series 995 & Book Kept in Christ

DVD Series 995 & Book Kept in Christ



Kept in Christ – This 170-page book was updated in 2024! God wants to protect and “keep” you. This book will teach you about God’s favor in your life. You won’t necessarily be kept “from” difficulties, but will certainly be kept “in” them. Learn about God’s wonderful providence in your life.

Our heritage as believers is to be kept “in Christ.” To be kept means we are preserved and protected. God doesn’t always keep us from trials, but in them. God promises to be with us and bring us through. As we journey, we can expect to grow in virtue, trust, and character. This book will explore these important areas:

  • The cross keeps us
  • The meaning of suffering
  • How to pray with wisdom
  • Kept free from addictions and sin
  • Kept to realize our potential
  • Kept to Live with Passion
  • Kept to live forever

You are the beloved of God and his special possession. God has had a plan for your life before you came into existence. Now is the time to discover that plan and walk in the favor of God. God will keep you and empower you to fulfill your destiny!

Kingdom Living Series 995 – Jesus’ programmatic statement in the Gospels is: The Kingdom of God is at hand! Jesus taught many parables about the kingdom. God’s kingdom is the now and not yet. We can experience it’s richness but God’s dominion is still to come. This series will explore several ways for us to receive God’s kingdom and live in a new way. Topics included in this series:

1) Live with Wonder: Psalm 139 tells us we are fearfully and wonderfully made. There are two ways to live: As if nothing were a miracle or as if everything is a miracle. Kingdom living recognizes God’s power and makes us live with awe and reverence..
2) Kept In Christ: To be kept means to be protected from and held onto in the various circumstances in our life. God keeps us as we go through trials and tribulations. Because God is faithful we can expect God to keep us even through death: Our salvation.
3) Kingdom Living: The Kingdom of God is in our midst, yet still to come. God’s kingdom is a treasure we should sell everything to obtain. Now is our opportune time. It is our responsibility to seek God’s Kingdom first and enter in.
4) Abide in Jesus: Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. Because of the many temptations and distractions and problems, we can get disconnected. This episode will help you to reconnect, abide and be fruitful!
5) A Lifestyle of Surrender: Surrendering our will, thoughts and bodies to God is the fundamental act of a Christian. When we yield ourselves to God we go from selfishness to selflessness.
6) He Touched Me: Jesus touched many people in the Gospels and continues to touch lives today. His touch of grace and mercy can be dramatic, but most times is through the ordinary. As we reach out to God and God to us, his touch will be lifechanging.
7) Thy Will be Done!: Jesus taught us to pray for God’s will in the Our Father. God has a will for every person generally, and for each person specifically. He calls each of us to a certain way of life and gifts us in order to fulfill his will.
8) Treat Yourself to a Retreat: A retreat is a spiritual vacation. We don’t retreat to escape from the world but to go back to it rejuvenated and refreshed. When we make a retreat we seek God more deeply, face inner issues and sins, get perspectives, make good decisions and gain new strength.