Fr. Cedric So Appreciates Your Support Of His Gospel Outreach!

Supporting Fr. Cedric Ministries

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Father Cedric Ministries, Inc. is a 501(C)(3) Not-For-Profit Organization.
All Contributions Are Tax Deductible To The Fullest Extent Of The Law.
We Do Not Share Donor Information With Any Other Organization.

Any Questions

Call Steve At
(713) 464-4932

Thank you for Donating!
I Lift You Up in Prayer

Our Era Has Been Misnamed The ‘Atomic Age;’ It Is Rather The ‘Television Age.’ Television Influences Human Brains A Thousand Times More Than The Fission Of The Fusion Of Atoms. Television Is The Newborn Babe Of The Fourth Dimension Of Space-Time. Newton Knocked The Boundaries Out Of Space; Einstein Knocked The Boundaries Out Of Time, But Television Has Annihilated Space And Time.

~Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Fr. Cedric Ministries

Two Networks
(713) 464-4932
One Mission
Touching Lives/ Saving Souls!
Thank you for visiting our donation page! Fr. Cedric’s preaching is sincere, dignified and engaging. Your donation is very much appreciated!

Consider a bequest to
Fr. Cedric Ministries in your will 

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  • Tax-Deductible
I watch your programs and through your teaching have overcome an addiction to sleeping pills! (Minnesota)
Your programs were the first step for me to start knowing God and to establish a personal relationship with Jesus. You have opened my eyes and my heart! (Illinois)
You have broken down denominational walls! You are the most beautiful voice in the Church. (Florida)

I read your book and prayer and received the Holy Spirit who rushed into me. I am now renewed, calm and focused. (Florida)
Dear Father Cedric. You changed my life in the church. You were in Venice for a mission. I went reluctantly. I did not expect the dynamic presentation that touched my mind, my heart and my future. I have read many of your books. You talk in your books. It is not a lecture, you are real.

I want to become a monthly partner. Your programs personify the love of Jesus. It is like having a conversation with you in my home. (New Jersey)

Because of your programs I went to confession for the first time in 35 years. (Georgia)

I never in a million years thought I would donate to a Catholic priest, but your program has captured my heart. (Illinois)

I have come back to Church because of you. (Ohio)
God is using you as his mouthpiece. I have never heard a teacher like you and I've listened to plenty (From England)

Thank you in advance for donating to and/or purchasing from Fr. Cedric Ministries

Please know our Ministry relies on your generosity, and your charitable gifts and purchases of resource materials help sustain the present and future activities of Fr. Cedric Ministries. These activities of Fr. Cedric Ministries include, but are not limited to:
  • Production of media programs and the related purchase of air-time to broadcast them;
  • Production of resource materials;
  • Costs associated with day-to-day operations;
  • Travel expenses associated with ministry activities; and
  • Outreach to the poor and disadvantaged.
It is through donors, like you, that Fr. Cedric Ministries will continue to reach out to people of all faiths and to those who have not yet come to faith in Jesus.

The Congregation of the Passion, Holy Name Community (d/b/a Fr. Cedric Ministries), is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. We do not share donor information with any other organization.

When You Donate, (Partnership Or One-Time) You Are Investing In The Lives Of Many Others (Including Those In Prison, Youth, The Unborn, As Well As Other Disadvantaged People). Father Cedric Ministries Has Developed An Extensive Prison Outreach Program. Hundreds Write The Incarcerated And We Send Them Bibles And Spiritual Books. Thank You For Supporting This Dynamic Outreach. My Goal Is To Inspire Believers, But Especially Reach Out To Those Who Are Lost And Don’t Know God/Jesus. Every Donation Will Help Father Cedric Ministries To “Touch Lives And Save Souls!” on two networks, several stations and radio besides. Thank You So Very Much!

~Fr. Cedric, C.P.