DVD Series 925 & Book The Sacred Quest

DVD Series 925 & Book The Sacred Quest

SKU: Value DVD 925 & Bk Quest Category:


The Sacred Quest: Updated October 2022! 228 pages. Prayer is instinctual. We all have the capacity to pray. Prayer is the primary way we connect with God. Prayer is the main way to develop a personal relationship with God. When we pray we abide in Jesus and can have fruitful lives. The themes in this book will help renew your prayer life. You will read about many varieties of prayer including how Jesus himself prayed. Expect a new ability to pray because of this book.

Trust in God: Series 925 – Developing our trust in God is the most important truth we must learn. Although the world is chaotic and there are a multitude of sufferings, God is trustworthy. God’s character is impeccable and God’s power Almighty. As we trust in God at all times we will discover the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. This series will help you to increase in trust.
Topics in Series 925 include: Lean on the Everlasting Arms, God is Trustworthy, I know my Redeemer lives!, Prayer an act of Trust, and more!