DVD Series 1000 & Book Your Best Lent Ever

DVD Series 1000 & Book Your Best Lent Ever



Your Best Lent Ever! Updated 2025 – Lent is a season when people get serious. These forty-plus days are a time of grace and growth. People everywhere want to “make a good Lent” but aren’t sure how. This book will give you practical ideas on just how to do it!
You will gain a greater understanding of the meaning of Lent as well as the modern-day RCIA process.
What you will gain from reading this book:
• Practical strategies for Lent
• Understand why we must prepare
• Deepen your relationship with God
• Practice the pillars: Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving
• Experience ongoing conversion and formation
• Reach out to people and make a difference
• Be guided by the Word of God
• Experience purification and enlightenment
• Be ready for Easter as well as your own death
Lent is a great opportunity. Don’t you want to make the most of your Lent? Be open to the grace God wants to share with you? Through the power of the Holy Spirit you will experience life changing revolution, not just resolution. This can be your most significant Lent ever!

Lent is a word that means Springtime. This important season in the Church year is a time of change, growth and spiritual depth. This series is based on “Year A” in the liturgical calendar. The readings are from the Gospel of Matthew and John. The goal of Lent is purification and enlightenment. You will experience change because of God’s grace.

Victory in Jesus!  Series 1000 – 1 John 5 tells us “The victory that overcomes the world is our faith.” Our faith in Jesus makes us more than a conqueror. We not only win, we win overwhelmingly. Our sufferings don’t have to define us, they can refine us. Our challenges can be met head on and we can grow through as we go through. You are destined to be a winner in life!

Topics included in this series:

1) Victim or Victor?: Suffering is part and parcel to everyone’s life. You can have victory when you realize there is purpose to the pain. Don’t just suffer, allow your sufferings to transform you!
2) The Heart of it all: The core of the Christian message is Jesus. The Gospels make it clear Jesus is the Son of God. He desires something real and personal with each of us. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Life and Death are in the balance.
3) You Can be Happy: We all have a right to pursue happiness. Being happy is based on happenings and can be fleeting. Jesus prayed for us to have joy. It is the joy of the Lord that is our strength and brings a greater degree of happiness because it lasts.
4) Challenges Make Champions: We all face obstacles, adversities, troubles and trials. These aren’t meant to define us, but refine us. As we face our difficulties and try, we can become all that God calls us to be. Don’t be self-reliant, be God-reliant and you will be an overcomer.
5) Seek and you will find: The Bible is comprised of books teaching us how to pray. The parable of the Pharisee and the Publican teaches us to be humble, pray for mercy and not to compare. As we come before God sincerely and honestly, our relationship will intensify.
6) Resist Arrest: Evil is very real. The evil one dislikes us and tries to kill us and make our life miserable. He tempts us and oppresses us through people, circumstances and even our own desires. When we resist him, we can be victorious.
7) The Sacred Walk: The ability to walk is one of the great pleasures in life. Walking is also a metaphor about discipleship. We walk with God and walk to progress in holiness. Our journey is a pilgrimage of faith. We walk by faith and not by sight.
8) Ask and you shall receive: Wisdom is a virtue infused by God and learned from past experiences. It is the learning that leads to sound judgments and good choices. Wisdom teaches us to live for the ultimate, not the fleeting.