CD Series 900 & Book Live Passionately

CD Series 900 & Book Live Passionately



Live Passionately! Updated in 2024! This is Father Cedric’s first book (214 pages) and displays much of theology about suffering and salvation. Discover the purpose and meaning of your sufferings. Understand and receive salvation in Jesus! Live Passionately! is filled with personal stories and humor. In a readable style, Fr. Cedric breaks open the central truths of Christianity. Experience what so many are finding on his evangelistic missions in churches throughout the United States: a renewed relationship with God and new perspectives on life.

Everything is Grace Series 900 – Ephesians tells us we are saved by grace through faith. Even our faith is a gift given through prevenient grace. Grace is gift, help, power and ability. God is gracious and generous. Because of God’s kindness we were born and can be reborn. In this series Fr. Cedric explores the many facets of grace and helps the viewer/listener receive God’s grace and favor. Topics in Series 900 include: All is Grace, Grace is Freedom and Favor, Grow Old Gracefully, Born Again!, Heaven is For Real, and more!