Prison Outreach

"I Was In Prison And You Visited Me"

Pen Pals

How this ministry works?

Fr. Cedric Ministries receives many letters from inmates in prisons across the country, explaining how much they like Live with Passion! and what the show and the Gospel Message means in their lives. In response, FCM sends books or booklets to each inmate who writes. Included in the mailing is a letter telling them about Fr. Cedric’s Prison Pen Pal Ministry. Once an inmate responds with interest in having a Pen Pal, a volunteer writer is assigned to that inmate.

Safe and Anonymous

Communication begins when a volunteer writer is assigned to be a Pen Pal for an inmate. As a volunteer Pen Pal, you start the process with a letter of introduction to let the inmate know you will be a Pen Pal. The mail is picked up once or twice a week (at our address) and mailed to you. No one who is incarcerated will see your address (goes through our address) and you will only use your first name. Very safe. Very anonymous. We've been doing this for years!

Jesus' Call

Is Jesus Calling You To Reach Out To Someone In Prison? What You Do For A Person In Prison, You Do For Jesus. Prayerfully Consider Becoming A Pen Pal And Make A Difference In Someone’s Life!

For More Information About Becoming A Pen Pal, Email Coordinator Mike VanSuch And/Or Click The Button Below:

Mike VanSuch
Email Father Cedric
There Is No Obligation; This Only Begins A Conversation.

God will use you!

In all communication with your Pen Pal, sign your first name only to ensure anonymity. The incarcerated will return your letter to our address in South Carolina and we will then forward your letter to you. In this way we maintain anonymity and no one knows your name or where you live except our Pen Pal coordinators. Right now we have a few hundred writers and as the incarcerated want a pen pal, we will contact you and then you simply begin by writing a specific inmate a letter.