The Guarantee flowing from the Resurrection of Jesus!

Eternal Life

The Guarantee flowing from the Resurrection of Jesus!”I write this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.” (1 John 5:13)
We are in the season of Ordinary Time now. We focus on Jesus, his teachings and following him.
Have you given your life to Jesus?Jesus is the way to eternal life. Here is how: Read this free booklet: Salvation!


Prayer Requests

Join the Pen Pal Ministry

Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God!
You suffered and died on the cross for me.
I surrender myself to you right now, just as I am.
I want to know you and be with you forever in Heaven.
Jesus, from this moment on, be Lord of my life!
I love you Lord Jesus, Amen!

If you are Catholic, you may want to go to confession. If not, confess your sins to God right now, privately. I am hoping you will be filled with the Holy Spirit and have the assurance of your personal salvation! What a gift. All by the grace and love of God!

The Holy Spirit Promises a New Quality of Life!

Because of Jesus’ sacrificial death and glorious resurrection, we can even now receive “eternal life.” This life is a new quality of life that comes through the Holy Spirit. Once you come to know the Holy Spirit in the depths of your being, eternal life has begun. The Spirit is the guarantee, the foretaste of what is to come and God’s down payment of Heaven itself. (Eph. 1:14) Death isn’t the end, but simply becomes a transition to a fuller life with God in Heaven. Even now you will have “heaven in your heart” each day through the person of the Holy Spirit. What a way to live!

Do you know where you are going when you die?

The goal of my ministry is to prepare you for your own inevitable death. Our own death and what will happen is the most important question that every human being should grapple with. In Jesus you can have a sure answer to that question. Jesus was tortured and died on a cross so that you could be forgiven and come to a personal relationship with God. He was resurrected as the first fruits of a new humanity. Rebirth occurs when you receive all that Jesus came to bring you; and you only have to surrender (or re-dedicate) your life to Jesus Christ right now. He is your best friend. He will help you and change you. He can get you out of any rut or addiction you may be stuck in. He will give you the blessed assurance of eternity with God now and forever. I invite you to pray to Jesus and give your life to him:

A Note from Fr. Cedric

Fulton Sheen said, “Jesus was the only person ever born to die.” Jesus was born to save you and I. I pray you will receive Jesus. I invite you to surrender by praying daily, reading the Bible and good Spiritual books, and by going to Church. I invite you to consider going to confession and celebrating Eucharist. Your spiritual growth is extremely important.I have written a booklet called “Experience Rebirth” I want you to read! (Rebirth).
My First Book, “Live Passionately” Explains Salvation More Fully. Please Download Your Free Copy From This Link! (Live) Or Listen To The Audio Book HERE As You Journey Through The Season Of Ordinary Time, May You Abide In Jesus And Bear Much Fruit!

( Audio Book)

You are saved by Grace, but you must walk this out through obedience and good works. God Bless you for your commitment. I want you to have that Blessed Assurance of salvation in the depths of your heart! My first book, “Live Passionately” explains salvation more fully. Please download your free copy from this link! (Live) Or listen to the audio book HERE As you journey through the season of Ordinary Time, may you abide in Jesus and bear much fruit!

~Fr. Cedric, C.P.

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