Welcome EWTN/TBN/ viewers! Two Networks/Many stations/One Mission: 
Touching Lives/Saving Souls! Thank you so much for your generous support! Donation

Friday Feb. 21st: I remember you as I concelebrate at the 8 am Mass today. Every Friday we remember the Passion and sufferings of Jesus in a more intense way. He died for us! Jesus loves us… Way cold in Houston today. 35 degrees this morning. I am visiting Houston’s Casa Juan Diego this morning. This is a place where migrants can get food and clothing and assistance.

Got this picture from a viewer: His name is Bentley. I was talking about obeying your Master…he was all ears!

Note: I will preach the EWTN Mass live on Wednesday Feb. 26th at 8 am ET. My book interview “A retreat with Fr. Cedric” will air on Sunday March 2nd at 10 am ET. EWTN.

I had a great flight back to Houston Friday from Tulsa. Nice sleeping in my own bed…See photos below from takeoff: Tulsa looking South. Oral Roberts University from the air looking West. Read more about Tulsa below.

It’s a wrap! 8 new episodes of Live with Passion! in the can. Yay. You will like the new set (see below) and each episode will touch your heart and soul. Give us some time to edit and post-produce these episodes and they will air in time. In the meantime, new episodes are airing on TBN. Cold here in Tulsa, will be good to get to some warmer weather in Houston. A blessed Valentine’s day weekend to you!

For those of you who have donated: We are mailing out the tax receipts now for those who have given $250 or above. You should receive these by mid February. If you don’t, or feel you need one now, simply email Steve: steve@frcedric.org Thank you for your generosity!

I preached the homily at the Cathedral Sunday Feb. 2nd. World day of Consecrated Life. Cardinal DiNardo presided and Bishop Italo concelebrated. Many sisters and priests in attendance. About 1000 people there. Here are some pictures. Also, the Mass link is below. Homily starts about 29 minutes in if you want to FF: Cardinal DiNardo, my assistant Jane, her husband Keith and I.


Upcoming Lenten missions (March) in SW Florida:

Here are the episodes in the new series 1000: You can order DVD or CD by going to my store: https://frcedric.org/product/victory-in-jesus-series-1000-dvd/

Radio: My radio programs now air throughout the Guadalupe radio network (47 stations) Monday/Thursdays at 5 -6 pm ET. Thank you God for opening the door for that wonderful platform to announce the Gospel. https://www.grnonline.com/home?station=KSHJ

Coming Sunday February 23rd: From my Brand new Series #1000: Victory in Jesus Episode “Seek and You Will Find”. This episode will be airing February 23rd on all networks and all Catholic stations as well as radio and social media. Watch also on my YouTube/FB and my website. The Global Catholic EWTN will air the episode “Approach the Throne of Grace” at 9:30 am ET.

EWTN viewers: Welcome! My programs air at 9:30 am ET each Sunday. I also air on TBN (7 am ET)

Who you are is God’s gift to you…who you become is your gift to God!